- 2 years ago
- Fight For Hunger
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RISE TOGRETHER FOUNDATION Mission Fight For Hunger took a giant stride to address the challenges of lack access to basics food for survival among the migrant workers , daily wage earner, scavengers , street dwellers, destitute and other socially vulnerable populace, soon after the announcement of countrywide lockdown on account of COVID-19 global pandemic in last week of March 2020.
Under ' Fight For Hunger' programme, food needs (two meals a day comprising lunch and dinner) of such underprivileged people was addressed across RISE TOGETHER FOUNDATION operational locations is madhya predesh
Under this programme, both hot cooked food and dry rations were provided to poor and needy stranded at different sites and other vulnerable communities on regular basis and for those who were deprived of getting daily meals because of the restrictions in economic activities and movement for Nation-wide lockdown.
The stranded, truck drivers, migrant labourers, street dwellers etc. were provided hot cooked meals. Everyday about 7000 meals were served in madhya predesh and Chhattisgarh. Similarly, people staying under institutional facilities like Old age homes, Child care home, Shelter homes, Leprosy Colonies and Homes for Special Children were supported with dry ration which included Rice, Dal, Oil, Jaggery/Sugar, Chiwda/Poha, Potatoes, Onions, Soyabean and Black peas, Soaps ,Salt , Milk powder, biscuits and Tea etc besides Hand wash, Sanitizers, Phenyles and Masks.
In order to fight hunger during the lockdown period and beyond, RISE TOGETHER FOUNDATION provided half a million meals across the different locations in madhya pradesh
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